Facts & Figures Details

Installed Generation capacity on the National Grid

Period: May 2022
  • 276.068 MW Value

Currently, the total installed capacity to generate electricity in Rwanda is 276.068 MW from different power plants. By generation technology mix, 51% is from thermal sources, followed by hydro sources (43.9%) and solar sources with 4.2%. (See the List of Power Plants)

As part of the efforts to increase the current capacity, a number of projects to build new power plants are underway and will add around more power on the existing national grid. These include among, Rusumo Falls Hydropower plant (26MW), Rusizi III (48.3MW), Shema power (50 MW) and Nyabarongo II (43.5 MW). 

Most of these pipeline projects are Independent Power Producers, with GoR playing a facilitation role. These projects are expected to considerably reduce the usage expensive sources (fuel) and change the generation technology mix as indicated in the graph below:


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